Every Rose Has it's Thorn.

Every rose has it's thorn and as do I.
I notice, and I am bewildered.
Not by that which I notice,
but what others do not.

I am Ophira, and, as you have hopefully figured out, this is my blog. Now, be patient for I am in fact, not considered perfect and I may have an error here or there. I hope you can move past this, but tell me if you must. I will rant about what should be ranted about, and I will rave about things that should be as well. I may or may not write a few movie reviews, but it all depends.

With much love,
Ophira Reice

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Speaking of sexy: my dentist!

Thursday my brother and I had a Dentists appointment at 1.  This is my experience.  ;)

We started waiting in the waiting room that had way too much waiting. We chilled there for too long and then my nurse came out and dragged me into the room.  Well, I cringed out automatically because the dentist has a significantly different smell than a doctor's office.  Doctor's office smells like hand sanitizer and not enough air freshener.  A dentist's office smells like rubber gloves, toothpaste and that fluoride gunk they put on your teeth at the end.  Well, first they make you bite on this weird thing so they can take x-rays But one of them was too big for my mouth and it made sores on the sides of my mouth.  Then you have to sit there for half an hour while they put the x-rays on the computer.  While waiting I read the insane amount of posters on the walls.  Above the sink there was one that read "The Washing Hands Technique:"  Yes, because it is so terribly difficult to figure out.  After wetting your hands, put soap on them, making sure that the whole time your hands are below your elbows.  Because otherwise your could hit your hands on the too tall sink while rubbing your hands together in the elegant motion diagrammed in figure 1.  Any more than 15 seconds and you will begin rubbing off your skin.  Any less than 10 seconds and the germs that are still there will eat your skin and make you sneeze, although I'm sure that if your skin is being eaten off, sneezing will be the least of your worries. 

By the time I got really bored, the nurse came back.  Which is good because I used up all my will to not touch/break anything.  Well, she was really nice and then I had to lay down while she shined the not very bright bright light into my face and shoved her acky gloved fingers in my mouth.  I gagged...because that is just...gross.  But I got over it and she began scraping the enamel off of my teethe with a little dagger thing, which surely cannot be too healthy because honestly, I thought we were supposed to protect our enamel.  But obviously I was wrong.  She commented a few times on how pretty my eyes were, but anyways, after her doing that not so gently for the next hour, she buffed them or whatever and called the doctor in. 

Oh my gosh.  He was the most gorgeous thing i had ever seen.  Why is it the dentists are hot? I mean, I hate the dentist.  But Oh my goodness he was fine.  He was very young with a little bit of scruff, giving him a nice rugged look.  But he told me my teeth were perfect other than an itty bitty cavity he'll have to fill next time. 

We didn't leave the dentist's until 5-ish because my brother had an appointment at 1:30 and didn't get in until 3.  Not, if my appointment was at 1...and I didn't get in until 2....and they weren't that busy then what in the world were they doing that would make it take soooo looonnnggg??? 

I blame the sexy dentist. 

With much love,
Ophira Reice


  1. I believe I can safely say... only you ophira...only you would consider your dentist sexy... ofcourse I'm pretty sure we don't go to the same dentist so I can't really...empathize(?) with you. Mine, I'm pretty sure is up there in age. Right. Personally however, I actually don't really mind dentist appointments. What is bothersome is the wait. Although I'm pretty sure it doesn't take two hours for me to be called back....

  2. the office was actually dead, but it took forever!! I think it mighta been because we came around lunch time and a lot of the nurses were .... lunching.... haha

    And i take the only you as a complement ;D

  3. I hate sexy dentists...

    I just hate dentists.. They show there hand in your mouth and yes i just hate people inside my mouth!



    See you later :)
