Every Rose Has it's Thorn.

Every rose has it's thorn and as do I.
I notice, and I am bewildered.
Not by that which I notice,
but what others do not.

I am Ophira, and, as you have hopefully figured out, this is my blog. Now, be patient for I am in fact, not considered perfect and I may have an error here or there. I hope you can move past this, but tell me if you must. I will rant about what should be ranted about, and I will rave about things that should be as well. I may or may not write a few movie reviews, but it all depends.

With much love,
Ophira Reice

Monday, November 8, 2010

A lot of stuff

Money, Patience, Technology, and more....maybe.

        Americans have become quite dependent on technology.  My proof?  Look around.  You are on your computer right now, reading this.  What would you do without a computer?  More importantly, what would you do without my rants?? Leaf raking is no longer the family activity it used to be with jumping in the leaves and 'acorn soup' that me and my brother used to make, it is now leaf blowing and burning, no jumping involved.  In some cases, it's different, like my grandpa has an attachment to the back of his lawn mower that picks up leaves.  It's not the same.  Easier on him, I know, but it used to be something I looked forward to.  Moving on, kids, I believe are becoming stupider.  I mean, when you look at kids from Asia, they are taught differently, they don't use calculators or anything like that, they still use the abacus.  Which, a lot of people say "whats an abacus?"  And to you, I say "exactly."  It is a way to calculate math.  Now, to use an abacus, you have to be broad minded.  And to be brought up and taught using one means you have a great capacity for learning and gathering information.  It makes you a quick learner and overall freaking smart.  We use calculators.  It does not tell you how to do the problem, it tells you the answer.  Don't get me wrong, occasionally there is a little bit of smart used in that, I mean, after all how are you going to push the buttons?   To get information, how do we do it?  We log online and go to Google and within seconds, the answer is there.  We don't use encyclopedias anymore or dictionaries.  Because they are online.
         I also think that this affects our patience.  Because we are so used to getting answers ASAP, when we have to wait, we get impatient.  Even if it's not taking that long. That's also why we don't look in encyclopedias or an atlas or dictionary.  We don't HAVE to.  Some are even lazier than that, some just don't even look it up because it requires doing something.  I'm not saying I don't spend nearly every moment of my life on the computer, but I don't like the fact that I do.  We have all gotten so lazy and impatient!
         In addition, we want want want because we are so used to wanting that which we do not need and are disappointed when we don't get it.  Does that stop us?  Nope.  If it did, then there would not be any crime for money.  ((holy cow that's weird, as soon as I write that, the song Imagine comes on 0_0 ))  Also, because of technology, we have this image of what we're supposed to look like.  Size 0, (1 is a plus size), skinny, seeing ribs, no fat whatsoever, bleach blond hair and tan, flawless skin.  This look is impossible to achieve.  Do we try?  Of Course. There are always those who stick out and wear crazy striped tights and fluffy skirts, and what happens to them?  They get judged, no honey or sugar included.  Despite who they may be or how nice they are.  This is how we grow up.  Even though it's high school, and your reputation doesn't always follow you, it hurts now.  And grown ups can't understand that.  Teachers don't understand that we have lives, and maybe they think it's not a life worth having, it's still there, and we're still living it.

I'm turning this into a paragraph about my issues right now, I'm sorry, I'll just stop there.  My brain isn't working quite right. 

Much love,
Ophira Reice

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