Procrastination. Yes, that is what my talent is.
I suppose it doesn't help that I make all of my Christmas presents because I'm poor and have no money. It's typically drawings or jewelry. I have been attempting all of these presents since October because I thought that if i started then, I could get them all done with at least a week to spare...
I was wrong.
Here I am, six days until Christmas...I still have at least 9 presents left to make. And they all take time. I need at least two of them done by tomorrow because that is my goal. So last night I told myself I'm going to wake up nice and early and start on these presents.
It is 10:30. And I am a morning person and waking up any time past 8 basically means I am going to hide in my room all day in my "comfy clothes" which basically consists of underwear and an occasional tee and pretend like I am doing all this stuff to 'prepare' to make something that doesn't require much prepping.
This is me preparing.
I actually laid in bed for a good 3 hours telling myself I was tired when I really wasn't. But for some reason I had convinced myself that if I slept long enough the presents would make themselves...
They didn't.
Sad day...
Oh well, that's it for today...I need to get started...Or dressed.....Or both. Maybe I should take a shower...Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.
Hugs and Kisses,
Ophira Reice
Every rose has it's thorn and as do I. I notice, and I am bewildered. Not by that which I notice, but what others do not. With much love, Ophira Reice
Every Rose Has it's Thorn.
Every rose has it's thorn and as do I.
I notice, and I am bewildered.
Not by that which I notice,
but what others do not.
I am Ophira, and, as you have hopefully figured out, this is my blog. Now, be patient for I am in fact, not considered perfect and I may have an error here or there. I hope you can move past this, but tell me if you must. I will rant about what should be ranted about, and I will rave about things that should be as well. I may or may not write a few movie reviews, but it all depends.
With much love,
Ophira Reice
I notice, and I am bewildered.
Not by that which I notice,
but what others do not.
I am Ophira, and, as you have hopefully figured out, this is my blog. Now, be patient for I am in fact, not considered perfect and I may have an error here or there. I hope you can move past this, but tell me if you must. I will rant about what should be ranted about, and I will rave about things that should be as well. I may or may not write a few movie reviews, but it all depends.
With much love,
Ophira Reice
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
My Turkey Day
Alright, so I havn't written in twelve days and I am really sorry I've been really brain dead.
However, This gives me a chance to connect with my oh so few followers! <3
However, This gives me a chance to connect with my oh so few followers! <3
My Turkey Day
Thanksgiving morning I woke up abnormally excited. But not because I would soon get to stuff my face, but because I got to dress up. I get very few chances to do that. However, we were not leaving until 11:30 and it was 7:00. I had some time. So I got in the shower, attempted to curl my hair but I no longer have bangs because my hair is too long now and I need it cut REALLY bad. So I just straightened it instead. Then I decided that I needed to waste time so I did my nails, made some eggs for breakfast (that were insanely delicious) made a ring (not my best work) and tried to make a necklace and failed, and used smooth away on my legs because I forgot to shave in the shower. But alas, by the time all of that was done it was only 9:00! I could not find a word for how frustrated I was. When you anticipate something, time is like "tooooooorrrtttuuurreeeee" and decides it's going to creep along only barely just to irritate you. Well, it works. Then I pulled on my black tights and I found a hole in the toe. Awesome. I wore them anyways. I wore this amazing silver dress that has white designs all on it, it's strapless and there is a black flower pin around the waist. I also put my new eyeshadow and eyeliner on. It's dark and purpley-blackey. And, I'm not one to brag, but I looked awesome. I walked downstairs to get something and my mom told me I had to wear a jacket so I wore my purple half sleeved cardigan. It looked really nice. 10:30. Still an hour to go and my dad wasn't even up yet there was no way he'd be ready soon. I wanted to show off and see my family, dangit!! So I sat on the couch and I think, what better way to waste my time than sleep? so I slept on the couch for an hour and when my mom woke me up my dad was just getting up. But he was quick enough. But I was half asleep....
For thanksgiving we drive to my grandma's house and eat lunch there and hang out and stuff. My aunt, her husband and their son were there and my aunt is 8 months-ish pregnant with a baby girl! <3 I can't wait! When I got there, my little cousin, Cooper, was standing at the top of the stairs behind the gate and he can't see us yet and he says "who's dat? who dat?" And when I turn the corner, he sees me and he falls to the floor and yells "no!!" and tries crawling away. It happens almost every time I see him. But he's little so it doesn't bug me too much. But he can say my name, so it's all good. Then my aunt was going to put him down to take a nap and she's like "Cooper, say night night!" and we were all standing in the kitchen and he waves at us and says "nigh nigh!" So cute! and he gave us all kisses but my lip gloss hadn't worn off yet, so when he gave me a kiss his lip kind of stuck to mine and he giggled. Too cute!
So then a bunch more people started arriving and blah blah blah eat eat eat yadda yadda yadda. It was like any other normal family get together with talking and laughing and a ton of sarcasm. We stayed until about 6 and when we were leaving my aunt was having really bad back pains and signs of labor. As cool as it would be for her to go into labor, she would be almost a month early, she's already had a c-section and she can't go into labor or her uterus will rip open and she lives in Chicago and wants to have the baby with her doctor. Well, as we were leaving they went to the hospital because they really wanted to go home then despite the fact that they were supposed to stay for the weekend, but my aunt wasn't feeling up to staying, so we understand. Anyways, when we got home I was like please be okay and stuff. Turns out everything's fine and they are going back home today. Ultimately, I had a pretty good Turkey Day. Two of my cousins are spending the night at my house. I made breakfast for them this morning and now they are all playing video games while my mom is Black Friday shopping. I hope your guys' Thanksgiving was great! Please comment on this post and tell me how it went! I would love to know! <3
Hugs and Kisses,
Ophira Reice
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Speaking of sexy: my dentist!
Thursday my brother and I had a Dentists appointment at 1. This is my experience. ;)
We started waiting in the waiting room that had way too much waiting. We chilled there for too long and then my nurse came out and dragged me into the room. Well, I cringed out automatically because the dentist has a significantly different smell than a doctor's office. Doctor's office smells like hand sanitizer and not enough air freshener. A dentist's office smells like rubber gloves, toothpaste and that fluoride gunk they put on your teeth at the end. Well, first they make you bite on this weird thing so they can take x-rays But one of them was too big for my mouth and it made sores on the sides of my mouth. Then you have to sit there for half an hour while they put the x-rays on the computer. While waiting I read the insane amount of posters on the walls. Above the sink there was one that read "The Washing Hands Technique:" Yes, because it is so terribly difficult to figure out. After wetting your hands, put soap on them, making sure that the whole time your hands are below your elbows. Because otherwise your could hit your hands on the too tall sink while rubbing your hands together in the elegant motion diagrammed in figure 1. Any more than 15 seconds and you will begin rubbing off your skin. Any less than 10 seconds and the germs that are still there will eat your skin and make you sneeze, although I'm sure that if your skin is being eaten off, sneezing will be the least of your worries.
By the time I got really bored, the nurse came back. Which is good because I used up all my will to not touch/break anything. Well, she was really nice and then I had to lay down while she shined the not very bright bright light into my face and shoved her acky gloved fingers in my mouth. I gagged...because that is just...gross. But I got over it and she began scraping the enamel off of my teethe with a little dagger thing, which surely cannot be too healthy because honestly, I thought we were supposed to protect our enamel. But obviously I was wrong. She commented a few times on how pretty my eyes were, but anyways, after her doing that not so gently for the next hour, she buffed them or whatever and called the doctor in.
Oh my gosh. He was the most gorgeous thing i had ever seen. Why is it the dentists are hot? I mean, I hate the dentist. But Oh my goodness he was fine. He was very young with a little bit of scruff, giving him a nice rugged look. But he told me my teeth were perfect other than an itty bitty cavity he'll have to fill next time.
We didn't leave the dentist's until 5-ish because my brother had an appointment at 1:30 and didn't get in until 3. Not, if my appointment was at 1...and I didn't get in until 2....and they weren't that busy then what in the world were they doing that would make it take soooo looonnnggg???
I blame the sexy dentist.
With much love,
Ophira Reice
We started waiting in the waiting room that had way too much waiting. We chilled there for too long and then my nurse came out and dragged me into the room. Well, I cringed out automatically because the dentist has a significantly different smell than a doctor's office. Doctor's office smells like hand sanitizer and not enough air freshener. A dentist's office smells like rubber gloves, toothpaste and that fluoride gunk they put on your teeth at the end. Well, first they make you bite on this weird thing so they can take x-rays But one of them was too big for my mouth and it made sores on the sides of my mouth. Then you have to sit there for half an hour while they put the x-rays on the computer. While waiting I read the insane amount of posters on the walls. Above the sink there was one that read "The Washing Hands Technique:" Yes, because it is so terribly difficult to figure out. After wetting your hands, put soap on them, making sure that the whole time your hands are below your elbows. Because otherwise your could hit your hands on the too tall sink while rubbing your hands together in the elegant motion diagrammed in figure 1. Any more than 15 seconds and you will begin rubbing off your skin. Any less than 10 seconds and the germs that are still there will eat your skin and make you sneeze, although I'm sure that if your skin is being eaten off, sneezing will be the least of your worries.
By the time I got really bored, the nurse came back. Which is good because I used up all my will to not touch/break anything. Well, she was really nice and then I had to lay down while she shined the not very bright bright light into my face and shoved her acky gloved fingers in my mouth. I gagged...because that is just...gross. But I got over it and she began scraping the enamel off of my teethe with a little dagger thing, which surely cannot be too healthy because honestly, I thought we were supposed to protect our enamel. But obviously I was wrong. She commented a few times on how pretty my eyes were, but anyways, after her doing that not so gently for the next hour, she buffed them or whatever and called the doctor in.
Oh my gosh. He was the most gorgeous thing i had ever seen. Why is it the dentists are hot? I mean, I hate the dentist. But Oh my goodness he was fine. He was very young with a little bit of scruff, giving him a nice rugged look. But he told me my teeth were perfect other than an itty bitty cavity he'll have to fill next time.
We didn't leave the dentist's until 5-ish because my brother had an appointment at 1:30 and didn't get in until 3. Not, if my appointment was at 1...and I didn't get in until 2....and they weren't that busy then what in the world were they doing that would make it take soooo looonnnggg???
I blame the sexy dentist.
With much love,
Ophira Reice
Monday, November 8, 2010
A lot of stuff
Money, Patience, Technology, and more....maybe.
Americans have become quite dependent on technology. My proof? Look around. You are on your computer right now, reading this. What would you do without a computer? More importantly, what would you do without my rants?? Leaf raking is no longer the family activity it used to be with jumping in the leaves and 'acorn soup' that me and my brother used to make, it is now leaf blowing and burning, no jumping involved. In some cases, it's different, like my grandpa has an attachment to the back of his lawn mower that picks up leaves. It's not the same. Easier on him, I know, but it used to be something I looked forward to. Moving on, kids, I believe are becoming stupider. I mean, when you look at kids from Asia, they are taught differently, they don't use calculators or anything like that, they still use the abacus. Which, a lot of people say "whats an abacus?" And to you, I say "exactly." It is a way to calculate math. Now, to use an abacus, you have to be broad minded. And to be brought up and taught using one means you have a great capacity for learning and gathering information. It makes you a quick learner and overall freaking smart. We use calculators. It does not tell you how to do the problem, it tells you the answer. Don't get me wrong, occasionally there is a little bit of smart used in that, I mean, after all how are you going to push the buttons? To get information, how do we do it? We log online and go to Google and within seconds, the answer is there. We don't use encyclopedias anymore or dictionaries. Because they are online.
I also think that this affects our patience. Because we are so used to getting answers ASAP, when we have to wait, we get impatient. Even if it's not taking that long. That's also why we don't look in encyclopedias or an atlas or dictionary. We don't HAVE to. Some are even lazier than that, some just don't even look it up because it requires doing something. I'm not saying I don't spend nearly every moment of my life on the computer, but I don't like the fact that I do. We have all gotten so lazy and impatient!
In addition, we want want want because we are so used to wanting that which we do not need and are disappointed when we don't get it. Does that stop us? Nope. If it did, then there would not be any crime for money. ((holy cow that's weird, as soon as I write that, the song Imagine comes on 0_0 )) Also, because of technology, we have this image of what we're supposed to look like. Size 0, (1 is a plus size), skinny, seeing ribs, no fat whatsoever, bleach blond hair and tan, flawless skin. This look is impossible to achieve. Do we try? Of Course. There are always those who stick out and wear crazy striped tights and fluffy skirts, and what happens to them? They get judged, no honey or sugar included. Despite who they may be or how nice they are. This is how we grow up. Even though it's high school, and your reputation doesn't always follow you, it hurts now. And grown ups can't understand that. Teachers don't understand that we have lives, and maybe they think it's not a life worth having, it's still there, and we're still living it.
I'm turning this into a paragraph about my issues right now, I'm sorry, I'll just stop there. My brain isn't working quite right.
Much love,
Ophira Reice
Americans have become quite dependent on technology. My proof? Look around. You are on your computer right now, reading this. What would you do without a computer? More importantly, what would you do without my rants?? Leaf raking is no longer the family activity it used to be with jumping in the leaves and 'acorn soup' that me and my brother used to make, it is now leaf blowing and burning, no jumping involved. In some cases, it's different, like my grandpa has an attachment to the back of his lawn mower that picks up leaves. It's not the same. Easier on him, I know, but it used to be something I looked forward to. Moving on, kids, I believe are becoming stupider. I mean, when you look at kids from Asia, they are taught differently, they don't use calculators or anything like that, they still use the abacus. Which, a lot of people say "whats an abacus?" And to you, I say "exactly." It is a way to calculate math. Now, to use an abacus, you have to be broad minded. And to be brought up and taught using one means you have a great capacity for learning and gathering information. It makes you a quick learner and overall freaking smart. We use calculators. It does not tell you how to do the problem, it tells you the answer. Don't get me wrong, occasionally there is a little bit of smart used in that, I mean, after all how are you going to push the buttons? To get information, how do we do it? We log online and go to Google and within seconds, the answer is there. We don't use encyclopedias anymore or dictionaries. Because they are online.
I also think that this affects our patience. Because we are so used to getting answers ASAP, when we have to wait, we get impatient. Even if it's not taking that long. That's also why we don't look in encyclopedias or an atlas or dictionary. We don't HAVE to. Some are even lazier than that, some just don't even look it up because it requires doing something. I'm not saying I don't spend nearly every moment of my life on the computer, but I don't like the fact that I do. We have all gotten so lazy and impatient!
In addition, we want want want because we are so used to wanting that which we do not need and are disappointed when we don't get it. Does that stop us? Nope. If it did, then there would not be any crime for money. ((holy cow that's weird, as soon as I write that, the song Imagine comes on 0_0 )) Also, because of technology, we have this image of what we're supposed to look like. Size 0, (1 is a plus size), skinny, seeing ribs, no fat whatsoever, bleach blond hair and tan, flawless skin. This look is impossible to achieve. Do we try? Of Course. There are always those who stick out and wear crazy striped tights and fluffy skirts, and what happens to them? They get judged, no honey or sugar included. Despite who they may be or how nice they are. This is how we grow up. Even though it's high school, and your reputation doesn't always follow you, it hurts now. And grown ups can't understand that. Teachers don't understand that we have lives, and maybe they think it's not a life worth having, it's still there, and we're still living it.
I'm turning this into a paragraph about my issues right now, I'm sorry, I'll just stop there. My brain isn't working quite right.
Much love,
Ophira Reice
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Pop the pig and Busy Town
I will talk about The kid's show Busy Town, the show and the computer game i played from kindergarten to sixth grade, and this really wierd "game" called Pop the Pig.
Pop the Pig and Busy Town
This morning I was watching those really bad Saturday cartoons with my sister and realized that what we're giving kids and showing them, is a little wrong. First, Busy Town. This show has been around for EVER. I remember when I was a kid in the computer lab at my elementary and when we had "free days" where we could play any game we want. One of them was Busy Town, and you could help the doctor and fix patients and give them medicine, yes, nine year old are learning ho to administer drugs. You gave the elephant shots, suffocated them by wrapping gauze around his trunk and covering his (or hers, I'm not sure nor am I willing to find out) ears and "feet" and "hands" because the makers of it didn't want to confuse us by calling them hooves. All of that because he fell off of a swing. The only reason we were allowed to play that game is because it was "educational." So that way next time you fall off of a swing, you know that you should give yourself a shot of drugs, eat some pills, put Band-Aids all over your face, ears, hands and feet then wrap your nose in gauze, just in case. It always seemed that there was only one patient in the doctor's office, and that was the elephant and he always claimed he fell off of another swing, but there are only so many swings to fall off of in Busy Town. I think that it was because he was addicted to the two different pain killers i had to give him every fifteen seconds. There was another mini game where you had to help build a house and I remember that when you were clicking on the barely there roof to hammer on the shingles that if you clicked too fast, then the neckless cat could hammer his thumb and cry so I would always click REALLY fast and laugh when he cried.
So the show itself isn't much different, but they make it sound interesting by calling it "Busy Town Mysteries" The main character is a cat and his sister. They have no necks therefore they should be REALLY fat cats, but they aren't They just have no necks! They also have ears that look like they are ribbed or something. It's creepy. Then they have two friends that are pigs and twins. I believe they capture the true essence of sibling rivalry because a majority of what they say is "it's my turn!" "no! it's my turn!" and so on and so forth.
In the show, all of these critters drive cars that are mainly food. The cats are the only one's that drive an actual car (they are also little kids). The pigs drive a sausage. Yes, a sausage. I believe that this is because all of the pigs that spread the swine flu (despite the actual relation from pigs to swine flu) were made into food, however, they could not be eaten because the virus is still there so they made it a car so it can kill the ozone layer instead, because we don't need that. The reason as to why pigs are driving it is beyond me.
So there I was, laying on the couch with no choice other than watching my sister's stupid shows thinking that this could not get any worse. Then, I was wrong. Those wonderful things that everyone loves, commercials. the first one that came on was for a kids game. It's a plastic pig with a chefs hat and coat on and his mouth is open and his tongue sticking out waiting for food but catching instead dust and flies. Moving on, the objective of the game is to get him fat. there are these little hamburgers you shove into his too big mouth and then you hit his hat, because that's how pigs digest things. Then, his belly gets bigger. Then next person goes, the belly gets bigger still until eventually the belly gets so big that his coat does fit anymore and then it goes BOING and the little buckle on his coat comes off and his coat flies open. What have we learned? When you get fat, your clothes don't fit and if a pig is wearing a hat, give him a hamburger (because he was mad at his best friend the cow and is now eating him) and push the hat and he will immediately digest it and get fat. Whatever happened to games like Monopoly and Battle Ship that taught you how to manage money and how to pretend like your not cheating. Oh right, getting fat is easier to do because there is a McDonald's on literally every block.
Friday, November 5, 2010
High School
When I was in eighth grade, I remember people saying "High school is the best four years of your life!"
High School:
There are many issues to be addressed. One, Freshmen. Two, Seniors. Three, Sophomores and Juniors, four, Teachers and five, grades.
Freshmen year was great, they babied us and put us all in one group of people to avoid confusion and make new friends. This was okay in middle school, but in High School it's almost insulting. By making our schedule the same as one group of kids, we were only isolating ourselves and for some reason, the school board does not realize that. And besides, it's not like this whole "new friends" thing worked but for a few people. It didn't stop the emos from going here, the preps and jocks there, the potheads in the bathroom and that's pretty much all there is except for the weird kids and the loners. Then, the teachers were being forced to baby you, even though they said they weren't going to. The only thing this seemed to prove is that teachers are liars. They let you turn in work a week late, talk back, screw off, etc. The worst part of all though was just knowing you were a freshman. Because they are made off to be immature and stupid. The only thing they don't tell you is there are only a handful that, by the time they graduate, are any brighter or mature than when they were a freshman. Seniors have it great too, I can't wait to be a senior! They get to push everyone around like their scum, take the easy classes, skip school, get their own patio, and get all of the fun privileges because "We're going to miss you next year" Right. They get over confident and don't deserve anything more than sophomores, freshman or juniors! They are still people as well as everyone else, but when you are a senior at my high school, you are everything but human. because you are a senior, which in my opinion is almost an insult.
So your first and last year are awesome. But everything in between is a real life hell. You get so much homework that you dream about it, you can't get it done and then your pulling your hair out to get it done and no one babies you anymore because you are so insignificant that you may as well be stepped on, oh wait, you are. Oh and how could i forget? Standardized testing. Oh the fun! You get to sit there for nearly two hours writing about something ridiculously unimportant like school uniforms. I mean, maybe if our opinions actually mattered and it was about a subject actually worth defending, then yes, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. But it's unlikely.
Teachers, boy oh boy are they something. Only paid $33,000 ish a year and they have to deal with idiots like us eight hours a day for five days a week. However, we have to deal with them as well, and we don't get paid. There are a variety of different teachers at the high school, like those who read power points the whole period because we aren't smart enough to be able to read them ourselves. Then there are those downright insane ones that yell at nearly everything and lectures us on when to approach a teacher (none of which included something about needing to be taught) Or the ones that talk really fast and monotone and get frustrated when we don't really pay attention and gives us a truck load of homework as punishment. And then of course there are the incredible ones that give it to you straight, not to fast, not to slow and can relate tot he kids and understand problems and the fact that maybe you actually have a life outside of school and respects that despite how little they care. I also learned that if you have one year full of amazing teachers, your next years going to be hell, no one's luck is that good.
Grades are important to me but only because of the future, right now i really couldn't care less, but i try anyways. But the thing is that you really don't have to try. You don't fail until a solid F, and the fact a D- is passing is just ridiculous! I think a D should be failing, i mean after all, you are raising the future of America! And is we all got D's because that's passing, think about the future of America. I mean, REALLY think about it. It scares me, honestly.
So, all in all, High School is no more outstanding or fun than the other grades, in my opinion Elementary was the best, but that's another post for another time.
With much love,
Ophira Reice <3
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