Every Rose Has it's Thorn.

Every rose has it's thorn and as do I.
I notice, and I am bewildered.
Not by that which I notice,
but what others do not.

I am Ophira, and, as you have hopefully figured out, this is my blog. Now, be patient for I am in fact, not considered perfect and I may have an error here or there. I hope you can move past this, but tell me if you must. I will rant about what should be ranted about, and I will rave about things that should be as well. I may or may not write a few movie reviews, but it all depends.

With much love,
Ophira Reice

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Best Talent

Procrastination.  Yes, that is what my talent is. 

I suppose it doesn't help that I make all of my Christmas presents because I'm poor and have no money.  It's typically drawings or jewelry.  I have been attempting all of these presents since October because I thought that if i started then, I could get them all done with at least a week to spare...

I was wrong.

Here I am, six days until Christmas...I still have at least 9 presents left to make.  And they all take time.  I need at least two of them done by tomorrow because that is my goal.  So last night I told myself I'm going to wake up nice and early and start on these presents. 

It is 10:30.  And I am a morning person and waking up any time past 8 basically means I am going to hide in my room all day in my "comfy clothes"  which basically consists of underwear and an occasional tee and pretend like I am doing all this stuff to 'prepare' to make something that doesn't require much prepping. 

This is me preparing. 

I actually laid in bed for a good 3 hours telling myself I was tired when I really wasn't.  But for some reason I had convinced myself that if I slept long enough the presents would make themselves...

They didn't. 

Sad day...

Oh well, that's it for today...I need to get started...Or dressed.....Or both.  Maybe I should take a shower...Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. 

Hugs and Kisses,
Ophira Reice